In diesem Beispiel wird die Rede von Chief Dan George aus dem Jahr 1967, A Lament for Confederation, anlässlich des kanadischen hundertjährigen Bestehens auf mehrere Spalten verteilt, ähnlich wie Artikel in gedruckten Zeitungen dargestellt werden. Wenn Sie JavaScript aktiviert haben, ermöglichen Steuerelemente das Ändern der bevorzugten Spaltenanzahl und -breite, der Breite des Abstands zwischen den Spalten, ob der Titel und ein Beispiel-Blockzitat in einer einzigen Spalte enthalten sein sollen oder über alle Spalten gespannte Darstellung erfolgen soll, und ob ein Umbruch innerhalb der Absätze vermieden werden soll.
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<h1>A Lament for Confederation</h1>
<p>—Chief Dan George, 1967</p>
How long have I known you, Oh Canada? A hundred years? Yes, a hundred years.
And many, many tides more. And today, when you celebrate your hundred years,
Oh Canada, I am sad for all the Indian people throughout the land.
For I have known you when your forests were mine; when they gave me my meat
and my clothing. I have known you in your fruits and rivers where your fish
flashed and danced in the sun, where the waters said ‘come and eat of my
abundance.’ I have known you in the freedom of your winds. And my spirit,
like your winds, once roamed this good lands.
But in long the hundred years since the white man came, I have seen that
freedom disappear just like the salmon going mysteriously out to sea.
The white man’s strange customs I could not understand, pressed down upon me
until I could no longer breathe.
When I fought to protect my home and my land, I was called a savage. When I
neither understood nor welcomed this new way of life, I was called lazy.
When I tried to rule my people, I was stripped of my authority.
My nation was ignored in your history textbooks – we were less important in
the history of Canada than the buffalo that ranged the plains. I was
ridiculed in your plays and motion pictures, and when I drank your
fire-water, I got drunk – very, very drunk. And I forgot.
Oh Canada, how can I celebrate with you this centenary, this hundred years?
Shall I thank you for the reserves that are left me of my beautiful forests?
Shall I thank you for the canned fish of my rivers? Shall I thank you for
the loss of my pride and authority, even among my own people? For the lack
of my will to fight back? No! I must forget what is past and gone.
Oh God in heaven! Give me the courage of the olden chiefs. Let me wrestle
with my surroundings. Let me once again, as in the days of old, dominate my
environment. Let me humbly accept this new culture and through it rise up
and go on.
Oh god, like the thunderbird of old, I shall rise again out of the sea. I
shall grab the instruments of the white man’s success – his education, his
skills, and with these new tools I shall build my race into the proudest
segment of your society. And, before I follow the great chiefs who have gone
before us, I shall see these things come to pass.
I shall see our young braves and our chiefs sitting in the house of law and
government, ruling and being ruled by the knowledge and freedoms of our
great land. So shall we shatter the barriers of our isolation. So shall the
next hundred years be the greatest in the proud history of our tribes and
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