
Baseline 2023
Newly available

Since March 2023, this feature works across the latest devices and browser versions. This feature might not work in older devices or browsers.

The @font-feature-values CSS at-rule lets you use a common name in the font-variant-alternates property for features activated differently in OpenType. This can help simplify your CSS when using multiple fonts.

The @font-feature-values at-rule may be used either at the top level of your CSS or inside any CSS conditional-group at-rule.


Each @font-feature-values block contains a list of either feature value blocks (listed below), or the font-display descriptor.

Feature value blocks


Specifies a feature name that will work with the swash() functional notation of font-variant-alternates. A swash feature value definition allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 isn't.


Specifies a feature name that will work with the annotation() functional notation of font-variant-alternates. An annotation feature value definition allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 isn't.


Specifies a feature name that will work with the ornaments() functional notation of font-variant-alternates. An ornaments feature value definition allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 isn't.


Specifies a feature name that will work with the stylistic() functional notation of font-variant-alternates. A stylistic feature value definition allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 isn't.


Specifies a feature name that will work with the styleset() functional notation of font-variant-alternates. A styleset feature value definition allows an unlimited number of values: ident1: 2 4 12 1 maps to the OpenType values ss02, ss04, ss12, and ss01. Note that values higher than 99 are valid, but don't map to any OpenType values and are ignored.


Specifies a feature name that will work with the character-variant() functional notation of font-variant-alternates. A character-variant feature value definition allows either one or two values: ident1: 3 maps to cv03=1, and ident2: 2 4 maps to cv02=4, but ident2: 2 4 5 is invalid.

Formal syntax

@font-feature-values = 
@font-feature-values <family-name># { <declaration-rule-list> }

<family-name> =
<string> |


Using @styleset in a @font-feature-values rule

/* At-rule for "nice-style" in Font One */
@font-feature-values Font One {
  @styleset {
    nice-style: 12;

/* At-rule for "nice-style" in Font Two */
@font-feature-values Font Two {
  @styleset {
    nice-style: 4;


/* Apply the at-rules with a single declaration */
.nice-look {
  font-variant-alternates: styleset(nice-style);


CSS Fonts Module Level 4
# font-feature-values

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also