
Resets the configuration of a USER_SCRIPT world set by userScripts.configureWorld to the defaults specified in userScripts.WorldProperties. When the default world is reset, all worlds without an explicit configuration are also reset.

Changes to world configurations only apply to new instances of the world: A configuration won't apply to a world initialized by the execution of a user script in a document until the document is reloaded. However, the browser may revoke certain privileges when a configuration is updated. For example, message calls from a USER_SCRIPT world may fail when messaging is reset to false.


let resettingWorldConfiguration = browser.userScripts.resetWorldConfiguration(
  worldId       // optional string


worldId Optional

string The ID of the USER_SCRIPT world to reset. If omitted or empty, resets the configuration of the default world and all worlds without a configuration set by userScripts.configureWorld.

Return value

A Promise fulfilled with no arguments if the world configuration is reset. If the request fails, the promise is rejected with an error message.

Example extensions

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser