store: Wasm text instruction

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The store memory instructions, are used to store a number on the stack in a memory.

There are store instructions for storing an i32, i64, f32, and f64 in memory. For the integer numbers, there are separate instruction variants for storing a wide typed number into a narrower number in memory. For example, you can store a 32-bit number into an 8-bit slot in memory using i32.store8. If the number doesn't fit in the narrower number type it will wrap. All the variants are listed below.

Try it


  (memory $memory 1)
  (export "memory" (memory $memory))

  (func (export "store_in_mem") (param $num i32)
    i32.const 0
    local.get $num

    ;; store $num at position 0

const url = "{%wasm-url%}";
const result = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(url));

const store_in_mem = result.instance.exports.store_in_mem;
const memory = result.instance.exports.memory;


const dataView = new DataView(memory.buffer);
const first_number_in_mem = dataView.getUint32(0, true);

// Expected output: 100


Store in default memory

;; Store value in default memory at particular offset
i32.const 0 ;; stack variable with offset in memory to store the number
i32.const 20 ;; stack variable with the number to store ;; store in default memory

;; Store using S-function (same values and offset)
( (i32.const 0) (i32.const 20))

Store to specified memory (if multi-memory supported)

;; Store in memory referenced by its index
i32.const 0 ;; offset in memory to store the number
i32.const 20 ;; the number to store (memory 2)  ;; store in memory with index 2

;; Store in memory referenced by its name
i32.const 0 ;; offset to store the number
i32.const 20 ;; the number to store (memory $memoryName)  ;; store in memory with name "$memoryName"

;; Store in same memory using an S function
( (memory $memoryName) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 20))

Instructions and opcodes

Instruction Binary opcode 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39
i32.store8 0x3a
i32.store16 0x3b
i64.store8 0x3c
i64.store16 0x3d
i64.store32 0x3e


Unknown specification
# syntax-instr-memory

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

Note: Memory support in Wasm modules matches the WebAssembly.Memory JavaScript API. The multiMemory key indicates versions in which store can be used with a specified memory.