size: Wasm text instruction

The size memory instruction is used to get the current number of pages in a memory.

The instruction adds the size (in pages) to the top of the stack. Currently each page is 64KiB.

Try it


Get size of default memory

;; Get the number of pages in the default memory
;; The number of pages is now added at top of stack

Get size of specified memory (if multi-memory supported)

;; Size of memory with index 1
memory.size (memory 1)

;; Size of memory named $memory2
memory.size (memory $memory2)

Instructions and opcodes

Instruction Binary opcode
memory.size 0x3f


Getting size of the default memory

The first memory added to a Wasm module is the default memory and has index 0. We can get the number of pages in this memory by calling memory.size.

The code below shows a WAT file that demonstrates this:

  (import "console" "log" (func $log (param i32)))
  (memory 1 2) ;; default memory with one page and max of 2 pages

  (func $main
    ;; get size
    call $log ;; log the result (1)

    ;; grow default memory by 1 page
    i32.const 1

    ;;get size again
    call $log ;; log the result (2)
  (start $main) ;; call immediately on loading

Above we didn't need to specify the memory index in the memory.size instruction, but we could have done so using the memory index (0) of the default memory:

memory.size (memory 0)

For completeness, we can use the compiled version of the above file size.wasm with code similar to that shown below (the log function is imported into the module, and called by the module):

async function start() {
  const importObject = {
    console: {
      log(arg) {
  const result = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(

Getting size of a particular memory

As memories are defined in a Wasm module they are sequentially allocated an index number from zero. You can get the size of a specific memory by specifying the memory instruction and the desired index or name (if it has one), after the memory.size instruction. If you don't specify a particular memory the default memory with index 0 is used.

The module below shows how you might directly reference a memory by index and by name.

  (import "console" "log" (func $log (param i32)))
  (memory 1 2)  ;; Default memory with one page and max of 2 pages
  (memory $memory1 2 4)  ;; Memory with index 1, initial 2 page, max 4 pages
  (func $main
    ;; Get size for memory by index
    memory.size (memory 1)
    call $log ;; log the result (2)

    ;; Get size for memory by memory name
    memory.size (memory $memory1)
    call $log ;; log the result (2)
  (start $main)

The WAT files could be loaded using the same JavaScript code as the first example.


Unknown specification
# syntax-instr-memory

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

Note: Memory support in Wasm modules matches the WebAssembly.Memory JavaScript API. The multiMemory key indicates versions in which size can be used with a specified memory.