SVGAnimatedInteger: baseVal property

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020.

The baseVal property of the SVGAnimatedInteger interface represents the base (non-animated) value of an animatable <integer>.

Some attributes, like the numOctaves attribute of the <feTurbulence> element or the order attribute of the <feConvolveMatrix> accept a long integer as a value. This property provides access to the static non-animated state of the attribute as a number.


A long; the base (non-animated) value of the reflected attribute.


const feTurbulence = document.querySelector("feTurbulence");

// Set the animatable 'numOctaves' attribute
feTurbulence.setAttribute("numOctaves", "4");

// Access the SVGAnimatedInteger object
const animatedInteger = feTurbulence.numOctaves;

// Get the base value
console.log(animatedInteger.baseVal); // Output: 4

// Modify the base value
animatedInteger.baseVal = 6;

// Verify the reflected attribute value
console.log(feTurbulence.getAttribute("numOctaves")); // Output: "6"


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
# __svg__SVGAnimatedInteger__baseVal

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also