NavigatorUAData: getHighEntropyValues() method
Limited availability
This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.
Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.
The getHighEntropyValues()
method of the NavigatorUAData
interface is a Promise
that resolves with a dictionary object containing the high entropy values the user-agent returns.
The terms high entropy and low entropy refer to the amount of information these values reveal about the browser.
The values returned as properties are deemed low entropy, and unlikely to identify a user.
The values returned by getHighEntropyValues()
could potentially reveal more information.
These values are therefore retrieved via a Promise
, allowing time for the browser to request user permission, or make other checks.
An array containing the hints to be returned, one or more of:
Return value
A Promise
that resolves to an object containing some or all of the following values (based on the hints requested):
Returns an array of objects containing
specifying the browser brand and its version (the same information as provided byNavigatorUAData.brands
). Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA
header (a low-entropy client hint). mobile
if the user agent is running on a mobile device (the same information as provided
). Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Mobile
header (a low-entropy client hint). platform
Returns a string describing the platform the user agent is running on, like
(the same information as provided byNavigatorUAData.platform
). Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Platform
header (a low-entropy client hint). architecture
A string containing the platform architecture. For example,
. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Arch
header after the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. bitness
A string containing the architecture bitness. For example,
. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Bitness
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. formFactor
A string containing the form-factor of a device. For example,
. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Form-Factors
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. fullVersionList
An array of objects with properties
representing the browser name and full version respectively. For example,{"brand": "Google Chrome", "version": "103.0.5060.134"}, {"brand": "Chromium", "version": "103.0.5060.134"}
. Please note that one object may intentionally contain invalid information to prevent sites from relying on a fixed list of browsers. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. model
A string containing the model of mobile device. For example,
"Pixel 2XL"
. If device is not a mobile device or if device model is not known,model
will be""
. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Model
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. platformVersion
A string containing the platform version. Platform name itself is always available as low-entropy hint
. For example,"10.0"
. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Platform-Version
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. uaFullVersion
A string containing the full browser version. For example,
. Deprecated in favor offullVersionList
. Note that this information can be sent to a server in theSec-CH-UA-Full-Version
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
header. wow64
A boolean indicating if the user agent's binary is running in 32-bit mode on 64-bit Windows. Note that this information can be sent to a server in the
header if the server explicitly requests it in theAccept-CH
Thrown if the user-agent decides that one or more of the
requested should not be returned.
In the following example a number of hints are requested using the getHighEntropyValues()
When the promise resolves, this information is printed to the console.
.then((values) => console.log(values));
Specification |
User-Agent Client Hints # dom-navigatoruadata-gethighentropyvalues |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- These values are also available as via HTTP request headers:
- Low-entropy client hints are sent automatically:
- Servers can request to receive high-entropy client hints on subsequent requests, using the