NavigateEvent: hasUAVisualTransition property

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The hasUAVisualTransition read-only property of the NavigateEvent interface returns true if the user agent performed a visual transition for this navigation before dispatching this event, or false otherwise.

User agents may provide a built-in visual transition when executing site navigations. If the site author also adds a visual transition, user agent and author transitions may conflict and confuse a visitor. The property lets you detect whether a UA transition was provided so that you can skip author transitions for a better user experience.


A boolean value.


navigation.addEventListener("navigate", (event) => {
  // Some navigations, e.g. cross-origin navigations, we
  // cannot intercept. Let the browser handle those normally.
  if (!event.canIntercept) {

  // Don't intercept fragment navigations or downloads.
  if (event.hashChange || event.downloadRequest !== null) {

    handler() {
      // Fetch the new content
      const newContent = await fetchNewContent(event.destination.url, {
        signal: event.signal,

      // The UA does not support View Transitions, or the UA
      // already provided a Visual Transition by itself (e.g. swipe back).
      // In either case, update the DOM directly
      if (!document.startViewTransition || event.hasUAVisualTransition) {

      // Update the content using a View Transition
      document.startViewTransition(() => {


HTML Standard
# dom-navigateevent-hasuavisualtransition

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also