
Baseline Widely available *

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since March 2019.

* Some parts of this feature may have varying levels of support.

The IntersectionObserverEntry interface of the Intersection Observer API describes the intersection between the target element and its root container at a specific moment of transition.

Instances of IntersectionObserverEntry are delivered to an IntersectionObserver callback in its entries parameter; otherwise, these objects can only be obtained by calling IntersectionObserver.takeRecords().

Instance properties

IntersectionObserverEntry.boundingClientRect Read only

Returns the bounds rectangle of the target element as a DOMRectReadOnly. The bounds are computed as described in the documentation for Element.getBoundingClientRect().

IntersectionObserverEntry.intersectionRatio Read only

Returns the ratio of the intersectionRect to the boundingClientRect.

IntersectionObserverEntry.intersectionRect Read only

Returns a DOMRectReadOnly representing the target's visible area.

IntersectionObserverEntry.isIntersecting Read only

A Boolean value which is true if the target element intersects with the intersection observer's root. If this is true, then, the IntersectionObserverEntry describes a transition into a state of intersection; if it's false, then you know the transition is from intersecting to not-intersecting.

IntersectionObserverEntry.rootBounds Read only

Returns a DOMRectReadOnly for the intersection observer's root. Read only

The Element whose intersection with the root changed.

IntersectionObserverEntry.time Read only

A DOMHighResTimeStamp indicating the time at which the intersection was recorded, relative to the IntersectionObserver's time origin.

Instance methods

This interface has no methods.


Intersection Observer
# intersection-observer-entry

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser