HTMLLinkElement: sizes property

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The readonly sizes property of the HTMLLinkElement interfaces defines the sizes of the icons for visual media contained in the resource. It reflects the <link> element's sizes attribute, which takes a list of space-separated sizes, each in the format <width in pixels>x<height in pixels>, or the keyword any.

It is only relevant if the rel is icon or a non-standard type like apple-touch-icon.



<link rel="icon" sizes="72x72 114x114" href="smallish.png" />
const link = document.querySelector("[rel=icon],[rel=apple-touch-icon]");
console.dir(link.sizes); /* output:
  DOMTokenList [ "72x72", "114x114" ]
    0: "72x72"
    1: "114x114"
    length: 2
    value: "72x72 114x114"
console.log(link.sizes.value); // output: '72x72 114x114'
console.log(link.sizes.length); // output: 2'
console.log(link.sizes[0]); // output: '72x72'
console.log(link.sizes[1]); // output: '114x114'


HTML Standard
# dom-link-sizes

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also