DeviceOrientationEvent: DeviceOrientationEvent() constructor

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The DeviceOrientationEvent() constructor creates a new DeviceOrientationEvent object.


new DeviceOrientationEvent(type)
new DeviceOrientationEvent(type, options)



A string with the name of the event. It is case-sensitive and browsers set it to deviceorientation or deviceorientationabsolute. In the latter case, options.absolute is always true.

options Optional

An object that, in addition of the properties defined in Event(), can have the following properties:

alpha Optional

A number representing the motion of the device around the z axis, expressed in degrees with values ranging from 0 to 360. It defaults to null.

beta Optional

A number representing the motion of the device around the x axis, expressed in degrees with values ranging from -180 to 180. This represents a front to back motion of the device. It defaults to null.

gamma Optional

A number representing the motion of the device around the y axis, expressed in degrees with values ranging from -90 to 90. This represents a left to right motion of the device. It defaults to null.


A boolean value that indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely. It defaults to false.

Return value


Device Orientation and Motion
# dom-deviceorientationevent-deviceorientationevent

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser