DOMTokenList: value property

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The value property of the DOMTokenList interface is a stringifier that returns the value of the list serialized as a string, or clears and sets the list to the given value.


A string representing the serialized content of the list. Each item is separated by a space.


In the following example we retrieve the list of classes set on a <span> element as a DOMTokenList using Element.classList, then write the value of the list to the <span>'s Node.textContent.

First, the HTML:

<span class="a b c"></span>

Now the JavaScript:

const span = document.querySelector("span");
const classes = span.classList;
span.textContent = classes.value;

The output looks like this:


# ref-for-dom-domtokenlist-value②

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser